SUBJECT: Lesson #2 - How To Buy Low And Sell High Hi {!firstname_fix}, Welcome to the second day of my seven day e-Course on flipping your site to make money! I hope that you find this information valuable and that it helps you increase your earning potential! YOUR LINK No doubt, you have heard the tenet: buy low and sell high. The same applies to the virtual world where you can take a website and totally turn it around for a handsome profit. What’s your role in all this? Well, take for example the regular real estate market in your neighborhood. Let’s say an investor buys a “fixer upper” and invests a few thousand dollars up grading the landscaping and puts in a new bathroom. He then sells the home and makes a handsome profit. What just happened? The investor bought something, generated value to it, and sold it to someone else who appreciates that value. Would the house be worth as much if he did nothing to it? Probably not. You job is to create a little value to the “virtual” property that you already own and sell it for a profit. Sounds like an enormous barrier? Well, it’s not. The fact is that doing few simple things can help you generate a lot of traffic, which we will cover in our series! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK