SUBJECT: Lesson #3 - How To Create Websites For Profits Hi {!firstname_fix}, Welcome to the third day of my seven day e-Course on flipping your site to make money! I hope that you find this information valuable and that it helps you increase your earning potential! YOUR LINK So how do you create a website for profit? Well, let’s go back to that real estate analogy. We need to generate value for a particular property. In the on-line world that means we need to monetize the site or show that it can generate a bit of value – usually this comes in the form of traffic or advertising revenue. Just like an investor wants the best location on the corner to place his business that is filled with foot traffic, so too does the internet entrepreneur or business person want a site that will generate money. To do this you need to get your hands dirty a bit and learn a few tricks through “search engine optimization” techniques. There are also a few other ways that we will go into greater detail. The thing to remember is that this process isn’t very difficult at all. It just takes a little knowledge and a little effort, and you will be well on your weigh to generating income! We hope that you enjoyed this session and stick around for the next one! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK