SUBJECT: Lesson #5 - Online Places You Can Auction Your Site Hi {!firstname_fix}, Welcome to the second day of my seven day e-Course on flipping your site to make money! I hope that you find this information valuable and that it helps you increase your earning potential! YOUR LINK How do you renovate a website? One of the biggest ways is “optimization.” Optimization is simply creating your site in a manner that you can be found on the web. There are millions of sites out on the web today. And interestingly, there are many, many great sites. The sad thing is, however, these sites, will never get found, because nobody knows about them. Nobody knows there address. So, what your job will be is to acquire sites that are both relevant to a particular niche (meaning that it has potential for value) and running that site until its ready to be sold. For example, if you are in the real estate market, perhaps you want to start a blog on home foreclosures. Well, this would probably generate a lot of interest, right? What you can do is use free tools out there and generate the hottest keywords that are being used to search the exact or related terms on Google. Once you buy or get that domain, you can create a blog or develop content that drives your traffic up. We hope you enjoyed the e-course topic and stay for the next one! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK