SUBJECT: Lesson #6 - Important Topics In Selling For Profit Hi {!firstname_fix}, Welcome to the sixth day of my seven day e-Course on flipping your site to make money! I hope that you find this information valuable and that it helps you increase your earning potential! YOUR LINK You want to stay with sites on the subjects you are familiar with. For example, if you are familiar with real estate, you might not want to go into electronics (unless of course, you are extremely fluent with up to date electronics). The reason, is because you want to be familiar with the subject or niche you are working with. After all, once you acquire a site, you may need to provide some content to maintain your level of traffic. It goes without saying that you doing a little research goes a long way. Following upcoming trends can be crucial to the timing of your market. For example, when Apple released the IPOD, imagine what kind of money you would have made if you had a blog with the most searched gadget on Google? Following consumer’s trends or perhaps the specific trends in your niche is key. For example, if you are into real estate, following up on current laws, programs, or issues for home owners could be extremely important. As you can see, this isn’t necessarily difficult, it just takes a little observation. We hope that you enjoyed this brief e-Course on making money by generating value to your current or future websites to generate profits! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK